The role of community leader and sustainable driving the quality of life among the elderly


  • Wiyada Ratanasuwan School of Nursing University of Phayao
  • Waratya Kulnitichai School of Nursing University of Phayao
  • Wimonthip Phuangkhem School of Nursing University of Phayao


The role of community leaders, Quality of life of the elderly, Social participation


The community leaders are the key people for the development of the quality of life of the elderly. To promote and support them towards continuously and strongly driving the quality of life of the elderly would improve a sustainable quality of life among the elderly. This academic article aimed to find a mechanism to drive sustainable quality of life among the elderly in the community by analyzing data from research studies and relevant literature reviews. From the results of knowledge synthesis, the authors found that the important mechanisms that influenced social capital to drive the quality of life of the elderly in the community were the role of community leaders with five important sides, summarized the Five I’s Model: 1) Having ideological leadership (idealized leadership)  
2) Seeking and persuading community leaders to join the operation (inclusion community vocal) 3) Encouraging and inspiring leaders from various groups (inspiration and motivation) 4) Mobilizing leadership teams (influence collective leader) and 5) Increasing Performance and Sustainability (increase potential and sustainability). Therefore, it should continuously enhance and develop community leaders' potential in driving the quality of life of the elderly in the community because it is the main mechanism for driving the sustainable quality of life of the elderly in the community.


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How to Cite

Ratanasuwan, W., Kulnitichai, W., & Phuangkhem, W. (2023). The role of community leader and sustainable driving the quality of life among the elderly. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 135–146. Retrieved from



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