Design of creative space for early childhood


  • Sopaporn Panthulawan Boromarajonnani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing,Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Wanna Phengsri The early childhood development center, Ban Rongha, Phayao


Creative space, Early childhood, Participatory action research, RONGHA Model


The concept of creative space arrangement starts in the family and extends to the community to promote development in early childhood. It relies on interdisciplinary collaboration and a strong support system to succeed. This research is participatory action research. The objectives of this research were to develop a creative space for an early childhood model in Ban Rong Ha, Phayao. The population was divided into three groups: 30 parents who brought their children to practice development in the child care center; 30 community leaders; and 10 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 20 years. Data were collected from March to August 2022. The research instrument was open-ended questions for focus group discussion. The feasibility of the questionnaire was considered by three experts. The data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The results showed that creative spaces were the spiritual spaces of community. There are various activity-learning bases, such as climbing and swings. The models of the creative space were RONGHA Model. The details are as follows: R: Regulation is defined as declaring community rules that creating a creative space is an activity that members of the community do together. O: Organization is defined as organizing the administrative elements of man, money, time, and material by appointing a working group to manage administrative resources. And coordinate every activity. N: Need is defined as a survey of parents’ requirements and conduct to design the activities. G: Guide, the guide defines introducing knowledge to community members by experts and folk philosophers. H: Health and happiness are defined as the focus of the activity being to promote physical and mental health and A: Assistance is defined as local government and non-governmental organizations providing assistance. Therefore, the development of a creative space requires cooperation from the local government, parents, community leaders, and teachers of early childhood. The design of activities in accordance with the community context is necessary.


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2023-08-31 — Updated on 2023-11-09


How to Cite

Panthulawan, S., & Phengsri, W. . (2023). Design of creative space for early childhood. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(2), 65–80. retrieved from (Original work published August 31, 2023)



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