Effects of community participation theory-based home visit on quality of life and activities of daily living among home and bedbound elders in Mae Ka Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phayao Province
Home visits, Community participation, Quality of life, Activity of daily living, Homebound and bedbound eldersAbstract
Thailand has increased the number of homebound and bedbound elderly, which has increased health care for those elders, especially those living in communities. This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the quality of life and activities of daily living of homebound and bedbound older people receiving home visits based on community participation theory. The experimental group consisted of 30 homebound and bedbound older adults living in Mae Ka sub-district, Mueang district, Phayao province, while 30 homebound and bedbound older adults living in another community were in the control group. When the experimental group received home visits based on community participation theory, the control group received routine care from health professionals. Research outcomes were measured before implementation and six months after the study's completion. Research instruments composed of the program of home visits based on the theory of community participation, the WHOQOL-BREF-THAI,
and the Barthel Activities of Daily Living (ADL) index. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics such as mean, percentage, standard deviation, paired t-test, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxon Signed-ranks Test. The results showed that, after completing the program, the QoL and ADL of the experimental group were significantly better than those before the initiation of the study (p<.001). In addition, the QoL and ADL of the experimental group were also significantly higher than those of the control group (p<.001). The home visit program based on community participation theory has successfully improved or enhanced the QoL and ADL of homebound and bedbound elderly people living in the community.
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