Factors associated with health literacy among older people in a rural community


  • Rangsima Tosanguan Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Anon Wisutthananon Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


health literacy, older people, rural community


Health literacy is a fundamental factor that impacts health status of all age groups of the population, in particular older people who are in a degenerative state. The purpose of this study was to study health literacy and the relationship between health literacy and demographic characteristics in older people. Samples were 265 persons aged 60 years and over residing in a rural community in Chiang Mai province. Data were collected from June to July 2019. The instruments used to collect data were the Demographic Data Recoding Form and the Geriatric Health Literacy Assessment Form. The content validity index of the Health Literacy Assessment Form approved by a six panel of experts was .98. The reliability of the instrument using Kuder-Richardson 20 showed a value of .79. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. The results revealed that 64.15% of the older people had an overall health literacy score at a low level. The relationship between health literacy and the demographic characteristics showed that age and the adequacy of income were statistically significant related to health literacy (p<.01). Results of this study serve as basic information for healthcare providers who currently practice in a rural area. To promote health literacy among elderly, factors of age and the adequacy of income are especially considered.


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How to Cite

Tosanguan, R., & Wisutthananon, A. (2023). Factors associated with health literacy among older people in a rural community. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 1–14. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/261779



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