The effectiveness of clinical nursing practice guideline (CNPG) for patients with diabetic retinopathy receiving intravitreal Avastin injection on pain, knowledge about practice, and satisfaction towards the use of the guideline


  • Sudthida Yodmuang Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
  • Paradee Kunavisarut Chiang Mai University


Effectiveness, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Diabetic Retinopathy Diseases, Intravitreal Avastin Injection


Adopting the clinical nursing practice guidelines for patients with diabetic retinopathy disease who receive intravitreal Avastin injection is an important aspect of nursing care for patients. This quasi-experiment aimed to compare pain, knowledge about practice, and satisfaction with the use of
the guideline levels among patients with diabetic retinopathy who received intravitreal Avastin injection into the vitreous, using the guideline for treatment. One hundred participants had made appointments to receive intravitreal Avastin injection for diabetic retinopathy and were randomly selected into the experiment group and the control group, two groups in each of the fifty participants. Data collection tools included a personal data recording form, a pain level assessment form with an interrater reliability of 1, a knowledge questionnaire with a KR-20 reliability of.78, and a satisfaction questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of .97. The statistical analysis was performed using frequency, percentage, and standard deviation, as well as a comparative analysis of test statistics using the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test and Mann-Whitney U Test. The results of comparing the differences in pain score, knowledge score, and satisfaction score between the control group and the experimental group found that after implementing the CNPG care, the experimental group had a significantly lower pain score and a higher knowledge score and satisfaction score than the control group (p<.001). The results of this study could provide information for nurses to make decisions about the further use of the CNPG in patients with diabetic retinopathy disease who are receiving intravitreal Avastin injection.


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How to Cite

Yodmuang, S., & Kunavisarut, P. (2023). The effectiveness of clinical nursing practice guideline (CNPG) for patients with diabetic retinopathy receiving intravitreal Avastin injection on pain, knowledge about practice, and satisfaction towards the use of the guideline. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 31–44. retrieved from



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