The effectiveness of individual educational program on maternal role adaptation and risk chance of postpartum depression among primigravida mothers


  • Ratchaneekorn Santitham Payap University
  • Rattanaporn Tanasirijiranont Payap University
  • Jiraporn Jinajai McCormick Hospital


Individual educational program, Maternal role adaptation, Postpartum depression, Primigravida mothers


Primigravida mothers who are unable to adapt to their maternal role may feel worthless, lack pride, and be at risk of postpartum depression. Providing knowledge could help them adapt to their maternal role and contribute to reducing the chance of postpartum depression. The purposes of this quasi-experimental study were to compare the average scores of maternal role adaptation and risk of postpartum depression between primigravida mothers in experimental and control groups. The samples were 48 expectant mothers experiencing pregnancy for the first time, recruited by purposive sampling. The gestational ages were 36-38 weeks. They were assigned into an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 24 people, by simple random sampling. The experimental group received both an individual educational program and routine education, while the control group received only routine education. The research instruments consisted of a demographic data form, a maternal role adaptation assessment form with a reliability of .80 and CVI of .79, and a risk of depression assessment form, which had a reliability of .84. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Chi-square Test and Mann-Whitney U Test. The results indicated that the average scores of maternal role adaptation in the experimental group were greater than the control group, and the average scores of risks of postpartum depression in the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group (p<.001). The findings should be applied the individual education for mothers to promote maternal role adaptation and decrease the risk of postpartum depression.


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How to Cite

Santitham, R., Tanasirijiranont, R., & Jinajai, J. (2023). The effectiveness of individual educational program on maternal role adaptation and risk chance of postpartum depression among primigravida mothers . Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 15–30. Retrieved from



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