Nursing model for patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) after receiving percutaneous coronary intervention in Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital
acute myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, nursing modelAbstract
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) requires immediate care. The development of a nursing model of patients with AMI is a vital role of nurses who specialize in cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this research and development aimed to develop and evaluate the outcomes of the nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The study conducted with 26 nurses working in the cardiac intensive care unit and internal medicine wards along with 52 patients who received PCI. 26 patients were developed before and after implementation of model. The instruments used in this study were as follows: 1) a demographic data form for the patients 2) a demographic data form for the nurses 3) the nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving PCI and 4) the outcome assessment form for practicing nurses. Also, research instrument was the nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving PCI. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and dependent t-test. The findings revealed that the nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving PCI including 1) nursing care after returning from cardiac catheterization unit 2) nursing care for preventing complications within 24 hours 3) cardiac rehabilitation within 24-48 hours and 4) discharge planning according to D-METHOD discharge planning. The results showed that after using the nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving PCI, it was found that 92.31% of nurses who followed the model, 22.44% had a very high and 61.54% had a high level of satisfaction. In addition, complications consisted of wound bleeding, anxiety as well as quality of life had a significant difference with prior development of the nursing model (p<.05). The developed nursing model for patients with AMI after receiving PCI can prevent complications and increase the quality of life of patients. Nurse administration can apply the results of this study to promote competency of nursing profession and develop the quality of care among cardiovascular nurses.
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