Mental health literacy among junior high school students in schools under municipal jurisdiction


  • Savinee Yosson Chiang Mai University
  • Waraporn Boonchieng Chiang Mai University
  • Pimchanok Kueausukon Chiang Mai University


Mental health literacy, Junior High School Students, High school students in schools under municipal jurisdiction


Mental health literacy is important for students' mental well-being in junior high school.
A cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to examine the level of mental health literacy (MHL) among junior high school students in schools under the jurisdiction of a municipality and its factors of association. The sample consisted of 349 junior high school students. The research instruments consisted of 1) the demography questionnaire and 2) the mental health literacy questionnaire, which had a reliability with a Cronbach’ alpha coefficient of .84. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square test. The results revealed that the junior high school students had moderate levels of mental health literacy gif.latex?\bar{X}=122.06 (SD=9.25). Furthermore, family members (p<.01) and the adequacy of income and expenses within the family (p<.05) were significantly associated with mental health literacy. Therefore, the regulator should promote all skills of MHL in all aspects among junior high school students in schools under the jurisdiction of a municipality and consider factors from their families.


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How to Cite

Yosson, S., Boonchieng, W., & Kueausukon, P. (2023). Mental health literacy among junior high school students in schools under municipal jurisdiction. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 107–119. Retrieved from



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