Predicting factors of sexual health among Thai adolescents


  • Roumporn Konggumnerd Suranaree University of Technology
  • Kulrawee Wiwattanacheewin Suranaree University of Technology
  • Siriorn Sindhu Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Thatkhwan Maturachon Suranaree University of Technology
  • Saifon Akwarangkoon Walailak University
  • Piyanun Limruangrong Mahidol University


Sexual risks, Sexual health protection


This study aimed to examine predicting factors of sexual health protection among Thai adolescents. In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, data were collected from 12 education institutes in each region of the Northern, Central, Southern, and Northeastern regions of Thailand, where students were enrolled in secondary schools, vocational colleges, and universities. The total sample of 1,209 adolescents. Data were collected using a questionnaire on sexual risk behaviors, perceived risks of sexual health problems, and sexual health protection behavior among Thai adolescents. The questionnaires were tested for reliability by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient resulting in .93 and .91 respectively. The results showed that 1 in 3 of the sample had sexual experience. The average age of first intercourse was 16.51 years (SD=2.07). The minimum age at first intercourse was 10 years, and only one in three used a condom every time they had sex. It was also found that adolescents who had sexual experience had a higher perceived risk for having sex but had statistically lower sexual health protection behavior than adolescents who had no sexual experience. Concerning the predicting factors sexual health protection behavior among adolescents, linear regression analysis showed that age among adolescents, studying in vocational colleges, living with parents, having sexual experience, and perceived risk for having sex accounted for 29.9 percent of the variance explaining in sexual health protection behavior (R2= .299, F=85.03, p<.01). The results of this study confirm that sexual health is a way of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences in positive and respectful different sexual lifestyles free from stigma and discrimination.
In Thai society, it may be time to recognize that adolescent sexuality is possible and that adolescents should be provided with the information and resources they need to protect their sexual health.


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How to Cite

Konggumnerd, R., Wiwattanacheewin, K., Sindhu, S., Maturachon, T., Akwarangkoon, S., & Limruangrong, P. (2022). Predicting factors of sexual health among Thai adolescents. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(3), 1–15. Retrieved from



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