Metabolic syndrome in older persons: impacts and nursing roles


  • Pimweela Lalam Faculty of Nursing, Chiangrai College
  • Apichart Chaimai Faculty of Nursing, Chiangrai College
  • Krittapat Fukfon Boromrajonani College of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromrajchanok Institute


Central obesity, Metabolic syndrome, Older adults, Nursing roles


Central obesity or metabolic syndrome is a metabolic disorder of nutrients and energy which causes an imbalance between the intake and consumption of those energy resulting in visceral fat accumulation in abdominal organs. The prevalence of central obesity among the elderly in Thailand has been on the raise due to age-related physiological changes. These lead to increasing numbers of non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular, etc. Behavior modifications such as dietary control, exercise, and weight control are necessary
to prevent central obesity, non-communicable diseases, and other complications from underlying diseases in older adults. Nurses serve as a significant person in caring for older people in the community including health promotion, disease prevention, primary care, and rehabilitation. Thus, nurses should have sufficient knowledge of factors associated with central obesity, effects of the aging
process on central obesity, pathophysiology of central obesity in the elderly, impacts of central
obesity in the elderly, and nurses’ roles in behavior modifications in aging population so that the older
adults and their family would be able to take care themselves properly and would have a better quality of life and longevity.


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How to Cite

Lalam, P., Chaimai, A., & Fukfon, K. (2022). Metabolic syndrome in older persons: impacts and nursing roles. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(2), 13–27. Retrieved from



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