Nursing care to promote breast cancer prevention in women and family : case study


  • Phakchuda Borkhamgerd Faculty of Nursing Khon Kaen University
  • Patcharaporn Jenjaiwit Faculty of Nursing Khon Kaen University


Breast cancer prevention behaviors, Breast cancer among women, Family nursing process, Family health promotion, promote breast cancer prevention


Breast cancer is increasing in morbidity among women, and enhancing good preventive behaviors is very important for each woman. The purpose of this case study was to study and prevent breast cancer in women and her mother from March to April 2022 using the family nursing process. The study consisted of one family, consisting of a woman 30 years old and her mother 50 years old. Estimating family health problems and needs, interviewing with personal information and risk factors for breast cancer, and estimating breast cancer preventive behaviors were used in the questionnaire. A woman and her mother have received inappropriate breast cancer prevention because of a lack of knowledge about the disease, being unable to access health care providers' recommendations, and knowledge resources for breast cancer prevention. Also, mothers perform their duties and roles in promoting breast cancer prevention behaviors in the family inappropriately due to a lack of knowledge about breast cancer prevention. Focusing nursing care, consisted of encouraging women to practice breast cancer preventive behaviors according to the plan, promoting mothers to encourage women to practice breast cancer preventive behaviors, and conducting follow-up visits to assess the performance. The results showed that women and mothers had knowledge and understanding of breast cancer prevention and could explain the prevention of breast cancer while demonstrating the correct and complete method of breast self-examination. The outcome of using the family nursing process in this case study could be used as a guideline for education and planning for nursing care in the prevention of breast cancer for women and her families.


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How to Cite

Borkhamgerd, P., & Jenjaiwit, P. (2023). Nursing care to promote breast cancer prevention in women and family : case study. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 120–134. Retrieved from



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