Health status, health behaviors, health literacy, and guidelines for health promotion for supporting staff in nursing college


  • Pikul Audthiya BoromarajonaniCollege of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, PraboromrajchanokInstitute
  • Thanee Glomjai BoromarajonaniCollege of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, PraboromrajchanokInstitute
  • Chuleeporn Pusopa BoromarajonaniCollege of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, PraboromrajchanokInstitute


Supporting staff in nursing college, Health behaviors, Health literacy, Health promotion, Health status


Health promotion among supporting staff in nursing colleges is one of the important guidelines for enhancing good health status. The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine the health status, health behaviors, health literacy, and health promotion recommendations for supporting staff in nursing college. 39 office support workers were chosen for participation using purposive sampling. The data was collected using Thai health literacy and health behavior questionnaires in accordance with the principles of health promotion established by the public health ministry. The semi-structured approach was applied to a qualitative study. The quantitative data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and the qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. According to the findings, 61.54 % of the participants were overweight, and 48.72 % had high blood pressure. Health behaviors were excellent for nonsmoking and eating healthy foods, with 66.67 % and 46.15 %, respectively. However, health behaviors such as diet and spicy food control, as well as exercise, were moderate, with 38.46% and 33.33%, respectively. Furthermore, nearly all participants reported mostly poor health literacy at 43.59, compared to a fair level of 35.89. Therefore, school health promotion guidelines for office workers recommend providing a nutritious brunch for school meetings and maintaining an exercise schedule. In addition, an increase in motivation to exercise should promote ongoing, sustainable school health promotion.


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How to Cite

Audthiya, P., Glomjai, T., & Pusopa, C. (2023). Health status, health behaviors, health literacy, and guidelines for health promotion for supporting staff in nursing college. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(1), 61–78. retrieved from



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