Development of professional nurses’ competency model to urgent management of acute stroke patients by simulation-based learning


  • Woralak Temrat Faculty of Nursing,Prince of SongkhlaUniversity, Songkhla,Thailand.
  • Prapaporn Chukumnerd Faculty of Nursing, Prince of SongkhlaUniversity, Songkhla,Thailand.
  • Pramot Thongsuk Faculty of Nursing, Prince of SongkhlaUniversity, Songkhla,Thailand.


Competency Model, Urgent management, Acute stroke patients, Simulation-based learning


The objective of this action research was to develop and study the effect of using development of professional nurses' competency model for urgent management of acute stroke patients using simulations-based learning. The participants were 20 professional nurses with 2-year experience.
The instruments used in this study consisted of 1) the simulation of acute stroke patients which validated by five experts, yielding content validity value of .96 2) the data collection tools including knowledge assessment, competency assessment, and satisfaction questionnaires for development of professional nurses’ competency model. The research instruments were validated by five experts obtaining the content validity of .96, 1, and .96 respectively. The satisfaction questionnaire obtained the reliability Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .97. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results showed that there were 3 stages of
the development of professional nurses' competency model for urgent management of acute stroke patients using simulations-based learning: 1) the knowledge preparation phase of the urgent management of acute stroke patients, 2) the action phase for urgent management of acute stroke patients using the simulation scenario, and 3) the evaluation phase of knowledge, abilities, and satisfaction with the model. The evaluation phase found that 100% of nurses passed
the criterion–referenced scores for both knowledge and ability on drug administration and decision making. The satisfaction score for the overall performance development model was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.58, SD=.50). Nursing administrators could use the research findings as a guideline to promote nurses' competency in urgent management of acute stroke patients in hospitals.


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How to Cite

Temrat, W., Chukumnerd, P., & Thongsuk, P. (2022). Development of professional nurses’ competency model to urgent management of acute stroke patients by simulation-based learning. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(2), 40–54. retrieved from



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