Mental health promotion of the elderly in the situation of COVID-19 pandemic


  • Wipa Suwannarat
  • Jatjunya Bunyakul
  • Malee Katekaew


mental health promotion, the elderly, COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors around the world at the levels of individual, family, and community. At the individual level, it has affected all age groups, especially the elderly who are in a vulnerable group and have congenital illnesses; as a result, they have been affected more than other groups. The promotion of the elderly’s mental health is significant to support and encourage them to be aware and give importance to health care; moreover, it is also the challenges of families, public networks, and social networks to focus and collaboratively help the elderly. Health promotion has a long-term result, and it is a synergy between the elderly and networks. This article aims to present practical guidelines for the elderly’s mental health promotion during the COVID-19 pandemic consisting of mental health promotion at an individual level that includes essential basic health promotion, reducing and avoiding stresses caused by the pandemic, enhancing five-dimension happiness, and adherence to religion, at family level that includes observation, listening to others, clear communication, invitation of doing activities, and taking them to see the doctor, and at the community level that includes community together care, community vaccine utilization, using techniques for the elderly’s happiness, and arranging health care programs by the community to maintain good physical and mental health, to create a sense of worth, to prevent the future mental health problems. It is time for all parties to pay attention to the elderly’s mental health promotion in the current situation so that the aging society and national security will be served effectively.


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How to Cite

Suwannarat, W., Bunyakul, J., & Katekaew, M. (2022). Mental health promotion of the elderly in the situation of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(3), 117–131. Retrieved from



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