Management of pain among patients with osteoporosis


  • Hatairat Bunnakit Boromarjonani College of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing
  • Pratsani Srikan Boromarjonani College of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing


Osteoporosis, Pain, Pain management


This descriptive research aimed to study the part, type, intensity, and pain management of pain management of osteoporosis patients. The sample consisted of 84 osteoporosis patients from an orthopedic clinic in a general hospital, according to the ICD-10. The scale used in this study composted of a personal data questionnaire and a chronic pain management assessment form which consisted of pain experience, pain management and outcomes. The content validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this scale was 1 and .83 orderly. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The results showed that 92.85 percent of participants had more than one part of pain and the most common parts of pain were the torso (76.20%) and lower extremity (66.66%). The type of pain was mainly nociceptive which was found in the part of head, torso, lower and upper extremity, respectively (80.49%, 67.18%, 60.72%, and 50.00%). For the neuropathic pain, it was found mainly in the upper extremity (40.00%) and lower extremity (35.71%). For the mixed types of pain, it was mostly found in torso (12.50%). Moreover, lower extremities and torso (16.66%) had high tensity of pain. The subjects had applied pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management, which include the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (7.14%), massage cream (2.38%), and bed rest (19.05%). This research findings can be applied for pain assessment and management in osteoporosis patients.


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How to Cite

Bunnakit, H. ., & Srikan, P. (2022). Management of pain among patients with osteoporosis. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(2), 87–101. Retrieved from



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