Factors related to self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 infection
Self-protection behaviors, Coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19)Abstract
Self-protection behaviors of Coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) are necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic nowadays. This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to examine factors related to self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 infection among people in Muang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai Province. The 408 participants were obtained using multi-stage random sampling,
and data were collected between January-February 2022. The research instruments were demographic questionnaire, knowledge, attitude, and the self-protection of COVID-19. Content validity was equal to 1.00. Reliability was tested by Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient yielding results of .73, .61, and .76,
respectively. Data were analyzed the distribution of numbers, percentages, mean, standard deviation,
Fisher’s exact tests and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient statistics. The results found
that the participants had self-protection behaviors of Coronavirus 2019 infection at a high level
( =3.53, SD=.60). Moreover, age, average monthly income, and having the person at risk of COVID-19
infection in the family were statistically significantly correlated with self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 infection (p<.05). Furthermore, the attitudes about COVID-19 were statistically significant positive with self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 (r=.273, p<.001). While the knowledge about COVID-19 was not associated with self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 infection. These findings should be used to encourage people to practice good self-protection behaviors of COVID-19 infection leading to efficiently protect and control the spread of COVID-19.
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