The effects of an empowerment program on dietary and exercise behaviors, perceptions of empowerment, and health status in people at risk for metabolic syndrome


  • Sirirat Joomjana Faculty of Nursing St.Theraza collage
  • Prapaporn Suvarnakuta Faculty of Nursing St.Theresa International College
  • Supaporn Tohsaw Faculty of Nursing St.Theresa Internatonal College
  • Somchit Sirisook Faculty of Nursing St.Theresa International College


empowerment program, perception of empowerment, dietary and exercise behavior, risk of metabolic syndrome


Metabolic syndrome is the result of inappropriate dietary and exercise behavior that lead to various chronic diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This research aims to determine the effects of an empowerment program on dietary and exercise behavior, perceptions of empowerment, and health status. The quasi-experimental (one-group pre-posttest design). Thirty participants at risk of metabolic syndrome were selected for the study using purposive sampling. Research instruments consisted of a health status assessment, an eight-week empowerment program and three sets of questionnaires on (1) personal data, (2) dietary and exercise behavior and (3) perceptions of empowerment. Descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test were used for data analysis. The results showed that after the completion of the program, the mean scores of dietary and exercise behavior, and perceptions of empowerment were significantly higher (p<.05). In addition, waist circumference and body weight were significantly lower (p<.05). The empowerment program contributed to changes in dietary and exercise behavior, helping to reduce the risks of chronic non-communicable diseases.


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How to Cite

Joomjana, S., Suvarnakuta, P. ., Supaporn Tohsaw, & Somchit Sirisook. (2022). The effects of an empowerment program on dietary and exercise behaviors, perceptions of empowerment, and health status in people at risk for metabolic syndrome. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(3), 29–43. retrieved from



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