COVID-19 and the next normal: School health nursing practice
COVID-19, Next normal, School health nursing practiceAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed human lives. The school closure policy, aimed at reducing student exposure to COVID-19, has had a direct effect on student learning and wellbeing. Now, with better knowledge and an increasing number of people vaccinated, many countries are setting up guidelines for the safe reopening of schools, with the aim of maximizing safety. School health services must aim to promote health for staff and students within the context of a “next normal lifestyle”. This article aims to document the practices of school nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic. Content is focused on COVID-19 prevention and control in schools, guidelines for the reopening of schools, the roles of school nurses, and the practice of school nurses in the next normal to promote health with minimal learning disruption for students in the future.
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