Roles of nurses in promoting menopausal women to reduce bone resorption


  • Praveda Kamdaeng McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


Menopausal women, Bone resorption, Osteoporosis, Roles of nurses


A decrease of estrogen in menopausal women can cause a rapid decline of bone mass, resulting in women suffering from osteoporosis and subsequent fractures. Fractures affect daily living which increase dependency on others, leading to a decrease in self-worth and quality of life. Therefore, it is an important role for nurses to promote menopausal women to learn about osteoporosis, recognize the consequences of osteoporosis and ways of to prevent osteoporosis. The purposes of this article were to present the diagnosis of osteoporosis, impacts of osteoporosis, risk factors of osteoporosis, menopausal women and osteoporosis, and the roles of nurses in promoting menopausal women to reduce bone resorption, for nurses to be used as a guideline to promote the health of postmenopausal women in preventing osteoporosis.

Author Biography

Praveda Kamdaeng, McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University

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How to Cite

Kamdaeng, P. (2022). Roles of nurses in promoting menopausal women to reduce bone resorption. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(1), 1–13. Retrieved from



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