The effects of self-efficacy enhancement program on perceived difficulty and confidence in child nutrition assessment and KidDiary program use among child care teachers in ethnic child development centers


  • Sukanya Buasri Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Nantatchaphon Wicha Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Anong Suntranont Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Muthita Ponpaipan Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Suneeporn Leeja Ethnic Community Health Association


Self-efficacy, Nutrition assessment, KidDiary program, Child care teachers, Ethnic child developmental center


This two-group pretest-posttest design, quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effects of the self-efficacy enhancement program on perceived difficulty and confidence in child nutrition assessment and KidDiary program use among child care teachers of the ethnic child development center. The samples were 78 child care teachers in child development centers in Mae Fah Luang District, Chiang Rai Province. They were selected by purposive sampling method and divided into an experimental group and a control group, 39 for each group. The study was conducted during May 1- November 30, 2020. The instruments used were: 1) the perceived difficulty and confidence in child nutrition assessment and KidDiary program questionnaire; 2) the experimental program which were the KidDiary program and the self-efficacy enhancement program using Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and comparative statistics which included an independent t-test and a paired t-test. The results revealed that after participating in the program, child care teachers in child development centers of the experimental group had higher mean score of perceived difficulty and confidence level in child nutrition assessment than before participating in the program and statistically significantly higher than the comparison group (p<.05). The results showed that the program helped child care teachers to be able to assess child nutrition status correctly and with greater confidence. Therefore, this program should be applied in other ethic child development centers to increase the potential of child care teachers.


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How to Cite

Buasri, S., Wicha, N., Suntranont, A., Ponpaipan, M., & Leeja, S. (2021). The effects of self-efficacy enhancement program on perceived difficulty and confidence in child nutrition assessment and KidDiary program use among child care teachers in ethnic child development centers. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 22(3), 84–95. Retrieved from



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