Life scenes of children with chronic conditions in a community


  • Prakaikaew Siripoon Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University
  • Khanitta Nuntaboot Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


Life scenes, Children, Chronic conditions


Chronic conditions in children affect physical, mental, social and intellectual development. The aim of this study was to understand the life scene of children with chronic conditions in a community. The descriptive research was employed in the study. The samples consisted of 3 children with chronic conditions and 21 family caregivers, a total of 24 people. Data were collected by observations, in-depth interviews, document study and field notes. The study results revealed 13 life scenes of children with chronic conditions, namely  1) parents dating and building a family  2) family members engaging in occupations and saving money  3) pre-pregnancy and postpartum care  4) having abnormalities, chronic illnesses, disabilities  5) living in accordance with the stage of chronic conditions  6) following up on treatment  7) receiving physical, mental, social care and instilling good morals  8) providing care for monitoring, preventing and reducing complications  9) promoting learning and development by age  10) families seeking additional treatment options  11) children not being promoted to develop properly  12) children and families participating in community activities and  13) receiving community support. The results reflect the life scenes of children with chronic conditions under the lifestyle of Isan social-cultural context to enable the community stakeholders to design appropriate care for children’s health conditions and the need for assistance that is specific to each family.



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How to Cite

Siripoon, P., & Nuntaboot, K. (2021). Life scenes of children with chronic conditions in a community. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 22(3), 14–30. Retrieved from



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