Multi-level factors affecting the readiness for being active aging among the pre-aging population


  • Jitjearanai Suchairat Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Angsana Boonthum Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Tassanee Rawiworrakul Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Natnaree Aimyong Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Readiness, Active aging, Pre-aging population, Health literacy


This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the readiness for being active aging among pre-aging people (aged 45-59 years) living in Sapphaya District, Chainat Province. Relationship between personal factor and community factors and readiness for active aging were analyzed. 315 pre-aging people (aged 45-59 years) and 24 community leaders / local government officers were interviewed. The data were collected by the multi-level factors and the readiness for active aging questionnaires for individual level and community level, and analyzed by multivariate analysis techniques. The results showed that 53.7 percent of the samples had readiness for active aging at a moderate level. The factors influencing increasing readiness for active aging for Individual level variables were female, single status, farmer, sufficient income, sufficient income with adequate saving, good family relationship, and good health literacy (p<.05). In addition, community level variables was available health promotion activities in the community (p<.05). Moreover, the findings revealed that those living in the community with health promotion activities and had higher health literacy, leading to significantly increased of the readiness score (p<.01). Therefore, the community should provide activities of which to promote health literacy and community welfare for pre-aging individuals in order to increase readiness to be active aging population.


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How to Cite

Suchairat, J., Boonthum, A., Rawiworrakul, T., & Aimyong, N. (2021). Multi-level factors affecting the readiness for being active aging among the pre-aging population. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 22(2), 1–14. retrieved from



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