Effect of interactive activities using short story film as the medium on intention to prevent unplanned pregnancy among early adolescents


  • Pimpisa Saksorngmuang Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University Songkhla
  • Shutiwan Purinthrapibal Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University Songkhla
  • Kanokwan Hounsri Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University Songkhla
  • Boonserm Hatprasom Tessaban 5 (Wathuapomnork) school, Songkhla


short story film, interactive activity, intention to prevent, unplanned pregnancy, early adolescent


This one group quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design aimed to compare attitude, subjective norm, self-efficacy to self-control, and intention to prevent unplanned pregnancy among early adolescents, between periods of before and after attending the short story film activity. The purposive random sampling was used to include 352 students in the program. They were studying at secondary school which participated in the project of reducing teenage pregnancy in four municipalities of Songkhla province between May 2018 to March 2019. The research tools included 1) the short story film as a medium and the activities manual for interactive activities regarding a short story film named "Choices" developed by PATH organization, 2) The intention to prevent unplanned pregnancy questionnaire measuring subjective norm, self- efficacy to self- control, and attitude toward pregnancy prevention.  Data analysis utilized descriptive and comparative statistics (paired t-test). The study revealed that after attending the activities, the mean scores of intentions to prevent unplanned pregnancy were significantly higher than before attending the activities. Similarly, the mean scores of subjective norms and self-efficacy to self-control among early adolescents were significantly higher than before attended the activity (p< .01). However, a non-significant difference was found in the mean scores of attitudes toward pregnancy prevention (p>.05). This study proved that the activities to promote unplanned pregnancy prevention through activities related to short story film could enhance the teenager’s intention to prevent unplanned pregnancy. However, follow-up activities might necessary for better outcomes. 


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How to Cite

Saksorngmuang, P., Purinthrapibal, S., Hounsri, K., & Hatprasom, B. (2021). Effect of interactive activities using short story film as the medium on intention to prevent unplanned pregnancy among early adolescents. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 22(1), 67–79. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/246909



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