Factors related to the use of emergency medical services for acute critically patients and emergency patients in a hospital


  • Nongkran Chaipian Pong Hospital, Phayao province


Emergency medical service, Predisposing factors, Enabling factors, Reinforcing factors


This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study in order to study factor related to the selection of emergency medical service for the group of patients with acute critically and emergency in Pong, Phayao. Participants were 416 acute critically patients and emergency patients. A questionnaire used was modified from the use of emergency medical services situations and factor related to use of emergency service questionnaire, content validated by three experts. Data analysis methods used including frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and statistic analysts by chi-square and fisher’s exact test. The research results found that there were 3 factors related to the selection of emergency medical service at a significant level .05 as followed 1) Predisposing factors included age, occupation, educational level, attitude, perception and expectation. 2) Reinforcing factors included distance, emergency medical service in the communities, the recognition of 1669 and the experience with the use of emergency medical service. 3) Enabling factors included car owned, mobile phone owned, and the helper taking to the hospital. According to the study, the local people should be informed to see the useful of the emergency medical service and the emergency medical service system should meet the needs of people’s expectation both speed and safety.


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How to Cite

Chaipian, N. (2021). Factors related to the use of emergency medical services for acute critically patients and emergency patients in a hospital. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 22(1), 52–66. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/246894



บทความวิจัย(Research Articles)