Prevalence of sexual experiences and its associated factors among in-school northern Thai youth
Prevalence, Factors, Sexual experience, YouthAbstract
Previous studies had shown increasing prevalence of sexual intercourse among in-school youth, and small number of them used condoms regularly, therefore the negative consequents, such as STD/HIV infection and unintentional pregnancy rates have increased. This study aimed to explore the prevalence of sexual experienced and its associated factors among in-school northern Thai youth. A cross sectional correlation descriptive design was employed. Participants were 305 in-school northern Thai youths. They were studying in a high school (n = 99), a vocational school (n = 102), and a university (n = 104). Online questionnaires were used. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression were used for data analysis. Results showed that the prevalence of sexual experiences was 26.56%. Only 40.7% of those reported to use condom regularly. Youth who studied in high schools had lower level of sexual experiences than youth who studied in vocational schools and universities (p < .05). In addition, those living with boy/girlfriend had sexual experiences at higher level than those living alone, living with parents, relatives or friends (p < .01). However, students who have sexual experiences perceived risk for HIV infection and unintentional pregnancy higher than who never had sexual experienced (p < .05). These findings showed decreasing prevalence of sexual experiences and increasing condom usage among youth in northern Thailand which could be a result of existing comprehensive sex education programs which involved all stakeholders. However, the negative consequences still existed. Thus, the sex educational programs should be further improved to be more youth friendly, responsive to their needs, and more accessible.
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