The students’ decision to study at Faculty of Public Health and Allied Health Sciences Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health
Decision, Faculty of Public Health, Health SciencesAbstract
This cross-sectional study aimed to explain and to compare the students’ decision to study at Faculty of Public Health and Allied Health Sciences (FPHAS), Praboromarajchanok Institute (PI), Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) by the individual characteristics. The samples were 353 of first year students in academic year 2020. They were randomly selected by simple random sampling method. A self-administration questionnaire with five points rating scale was used as a tool for collected the data. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.92. The data analysis by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing which included independent t-test and one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe test was used to compare means between pairs. The results found that, overall scores of students’ decision to study at the FPHAHS were at high levels. With respect to subdomains of decision, the highest score was image and reputation domain, followed by curriculum and branch domain, and persuasion domain respectively. In addition, the overall decision scores and the three domains were statistically significant different compared between students’ who enrolled different curriculums. The persuasion domain was different between students’ who were from different regions. The findings suggested that the academic administrators should actively publicize information regarding images and reputations of the colleges, courses’ quality, and job opportunities to increase students’ chances to select the FPHAS as a choice to study.
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