The effects of using the innovative suction model “SNC. SUCTION MODEL” on suction skills of nursing students
Innovation, Model, Suctioning skillsAbstract
This two-group quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the effects of using the innovative suctioning model "SNC. SUCTION MODEL" and standard medical model on the suction skills and satisfactions among the 2nd year nursing students. The sample group was the 2nd year nursing students of the Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suphanburi. Sixty students were selected by multi-stage samplings. The research instruments consisted of two parts: first, the instrument used in the experiment were the innovative suctioning model "SNC. SUCTION MODEL"and the standard medical model. Second, the suction skills measure consisted of five items (OSCE), a reliability value was .71, and the satisfaction assessment form of the 2nd year nursing students on the using innovative suctioning model "SNC. SUCTION MODEL" consisted of 11 items, the reliability value was .82. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and chi-square and t-test. Results of the study found that the mean score of suction skills of the experimental group using the innovative suctioning model “SNC. SUCTION MODEL” was statistically significant higher than the mean scores of the control group at p< .01. Mean suction skills score of the experimental group was 23.00 (SD=3.37), and the mean suction skills score of the control group was 13.40 (SD=7.72). Besides, the experimental group was highly satisfied with the practice of suction skills using the innovative suctioning model "SNC. SUCTION MODEL” with an average score of 4.67 (SD = 0.25). Therefore, it is recommended that the innovation should be used for students to practice in experimental sessions before students can practice on the wards to enable students to practice suctioning skills for patients’ safety.
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