Development of a competency framework for nurse anesthetists, Lampang Hospital


  • Saengpetch Kafaksom Lampang hospital
  • Bunpicha Chitpakdee Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Thitinut Akkadechanunt Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Development, Competency Framework, Nurse Anesthetists


The practice competency of nurse anesthetists affects patient safety and nursing quality. A competency framework is significant as it guides the development of personnel skills and the evaluation of personnel performance for executives. The purpose of this developmental study was to develop a competency framework for nurse anesthetists of the Lampang Hospital, by applying the strategies for developing a competency framework of Marelli, Tondora, & Hoge (2005). The participants consisted of 20 nurse anesthetists working at the Lampang Hospital chosen by sampling random technique, and five experts chosen by purposive sampling to evaluated the draft of the competency framework. The tool used in this study was a semi-structured interview guide. Data were collected by reviewing relevant literature and interviewing nurse anesthetists.  Data was analyzed using content analysis and identifying the item-content validity index. The results revealed that the competency framework for nurse anesthetists of the Lampang Hospital consisted of five competencies and 51 behavioral indicators as follows: 1) nursing practice in the pre-anesthesia phase consisting of 13 behavioral indicators, 2)  nursing practice in the perianesthesia phase consisting of 14 behavioral indicators, 3) nursing practice in the post-anesthesia phase consisting of 8 behavioral indicators, 4) anesthesia medication administration consisting of 3 behavioral indicators and 5) the anesthesia procedures consisting of 13 behavioral indicators. Nurse anesthetists can use this competency framework as a guideline for self-development. In addition, nurse administrators can use this competency framework as a guideline for work-appropriate skill developments for personnel.


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How to Cite

Kafaksom, S., Chitpakdee, B., & Akkadechanunt, T. (2020). Development of a competency framework for nurse anesthetists, Lampang Hospital. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(3), 30–42. retrieved from



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