Happiness of personnel under the context of organizational change in Sirinthorn College of Public health Ubon Ratchathani Province
Organizational change, Happiness, PersonnelAbstract
This research is a cross-sectional analytic study on the happiness of personnel under the context of organizational change. The purposes of this research aimed to examine perceptions of organizational change, levels of happiness at work , and factors related to less happiness at work among personnel who worked for the Faculty of Public Health and Allied Health Sciences of the Sirinthorn College of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani, Praboromarajchanok Institute. The sample consisted of 95 personnel both of academic and educational support. The research instruments were questionnaires consisted of general characteristic, perceptions of organizational changes, and the happiness index of public health personnel. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and simple logistic regression. The research findings revealed that the perception of organizational change was high (mean = 3.77, S.D. = 0.57). The level of happiness in work was high (mean = 70.73, S.D. = 6.83). There were two factors related to low level of happiness at work included age (OR=1.55; 95%CI =1.01-2.37; p-value = 0.038), and personnel performance (OR=3.11; 95%CI =1.11 – 8.74; p-value = 0.026). Findings recommended that the organization should organize activities which promote improving of knowledge, skills, and work attitude. In addition, increasing the happiness of personnel in the organization to the highest level of happiness should be done. These would lead to love and unity within organization as well as reducing conflicts among personnel.
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