The Effect of Animation and Song about Counting Fetal Movement among Pregnant Women


  • Chinnawat Chankra Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sanpasithiprasong
  • Butsanee Banpatathi Silalad Hospital
  • Nutchanat Thathong Kantharaluk Hospital
  • Numfon Manorach Sisaket Hospital


fetal movement, fetal movement record, animation media and song


This study was a quasi-experimental study, employing the one group pretest-posttest design. The study included three aims. The first aim was to compare knowledge before and after using animation and song to count fetal movement. The second aim was to examine counting fetal movement of pregnant women. The third aim was to examine level of pregnant women’s satisfaction after using animation and song to count fetal movement. The samples were thirty pregnant women who were equal to or more than 28 weeks and serviced at antenatal care unit of Warinchamrab Hospital, UbonRatchthani Province. The research tools included animation (CVI = 0.84) and song about counting fetal movement (CVI = 0.80); and a questionnaire about demographic data and satisfaction after using the animation and song (CVI = 0.84, alpha = 0.91). Moreover, the tools included knowledge of counting fetal movement (CVI = 0.90, KR – 20 = 0.87); and fetal movement record form. Data analysis included descriptive and comparative statistics. The study showed three parts. First, mean score about knowledge of counting fetal movement after using the animation and song was significantly higher than that of counting fetal movement before using the animation and song (p < .01).Second, percentages of pregnant women who counted and recorded their fetal movement daily were 83.33. Third, level of pregnant women’s satisfaction after using animation and song to count fetal movement was high ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.90). The study showed that the animation and song about counting fetal movement help pregnant women transfer knowledge and easily count fetal movement fetal movement. This leads the pregnant women to have more knowledge in the situation and encourage them to have suitable self-care behavior.


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How to Cite

Chankra, C., Banpatathi, B., Thathong, N., & Manorach, N. (2020). The Effect of Animation and Song about Counting Fetal Movement among Pregnant Women. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(2), 106–117. Retrieved from



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