Development of Services Learning for Supporting Primary Care System and District Health System


  • Wichitr Phantong Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani
  • Thidarat Huaisai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani
  • Metta Chaiyachet Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani
  • Sunisa Khakhuen Boromarajonani College of Nursing, NakhonRatchasima


Services learning, Service system, District health system


This purpose of this research was to study the development of services learning for supporting primary care system and district health system and to assess the effectiveness of the model. The research was divided into 3 phases including phase 1: Situational Study which included studying and analyzing pertinent literature in concepts, models, and learning processes enhancing humanized care identity and studying real situation for these learning processes, phase 2: design and development model, and phase 3: model use.  Participants included students, faculty and community delegates of boromarajonani college of nursing, udonthani. The data were collected using documents, focus group, questionnaire, and reflection writing report, means, standard deviations, and  paired t-tests were used to analyze quantitative data. The content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The study revealed that service learning model to support the primary care system and the district health system. Consists of 6 learning plans divided into 5 steps, namely the first step, Orientation, raise awareness and characteristics of the graduates. Step 2: Survey data and prepare projects. Step 3: Service activities. Step 4: Evaluation of social service activities. Step 5: Returning information to the community. The results of learning model found that mean scores of health services from the highest humanity were service mind (Mean = 4.33, SD.= .38) and had a higher average score before using models with statistical significance of .001. and found that satisfaction of community and learning center had the highest mean scores (Mean = 4.35, SD. =. 38). The suggestions are that this model should be further extended to develop students’ identity continuously throughout the curriculum and be further broadened in other nursing colleges.


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How to Cite

Phantong, W., Huaisai, T., Chaiyachet, M., & Khakhuen, S. (2020). Development of Services Learning for Supporting Primary Care System and District Health System. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(2), 118–131. Retrieved from



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