The Development of the Care Management Model for Critically Ill Surgical Patients in Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital


  • Prisana Wasee Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital
  • Warangkhana Dhuvakham Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital
  • Mayurachat Duangnakhon Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital
  • Tonghathai Sadsadeephang Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital


care management model, critically ill surgical patients


This development research aimed to develop the care management model for critically ill surgical patients and to test the effectiveness of the care management model for critically ill surgical patients in Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital. The study was done in critically ill surgical patients who admitted in Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital since 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2019. The study outcomes of the two groups (before and after) were compared by using the Fisher’s exact test, independent t-test, and paired t-test statistics. The results revealed that the care management model for critically ill surgical patients consisted of 1) developing individual nursing competencies, 2) using effective communication technique in nursing supervision (SBAR), 3) assessing the patients moving in-out to the intensive care units by triage score, and 4) surgery critical care guidelines by using MEWS and SOFA score. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the care management model found that the two groups of patients had mortality rate while waiting to transfer into the intensive care unit, re-intubation rate within 24 hours after transferring out of the intensive care unit and re-admit rate within 72 hours were not different. The average length of stays to transfer to intensive care unit was significantly different (mean=2.35, SD=1.16, mean=1.04, SD=0.43, p=0.001). The percentage of nurses who had competencies in nursing care of critically ill surgical patients (85.7%, 97.7%, p<0.001), nursing care of injured patients (82.8%, 94.9%, p<0.001) and nursing care of cardiothoracic surgery patients (72.0%, 89.1%, p<0.001). As well as satisfaction scores, the study reported that the registered nurses had higher satisfaction scores after implementation the care management model for caring the critically ill surgical patients (mean=80.40, SD=3.77, mean=90.36, SD=2.71, p=<0.001).


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How to Cite

Wasee, P., Dhuvakham, W., Duangnakhon, M., & Sadsadeephang, T. (2020). The Development of the Care Management Model for Critically Ill Surgical Patients in Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(2), 77–90. retrieved from



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