Breastfeeding during COVID – 19 era


  • Wannapa Gavila Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai
  • Poonsab Lapchiem Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai
  • Waraphorn Boonyong Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai


Coronavirus 2019, COVID-19, Postpartum Women, breast feeding


Breast feeding is valuable to the growth of the baby both physically, emotionally and intellectually, especially Breast feeding during novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID – 19) outbreak has caused anxiety to the mother and their family members.  This is because to date none of the report has officially confirm that COVID-19 could transmitted to the newborn or to the baby through breast feeding. The World Health Organization (WHO), have collected all the relevant report regarding the impact of COVID – 19 among mother giving breast feeding whether this infection could pass through their child while giving breast feeding or not. Nevertheless, the information is still unclear. However, WHO has recommended that the mother with COVID-19 infection or suspected to be infected with COVID-19, could give breast feeding to their child by following strict guideline to prevent infection and not to spread infection to their child. It is important that Nurses, as the key person who looks after the mother and child should clearly understand the COVID -19 situation and able to provide support and knowledge regarding how to breast feeding their newborn child to the mothers. Hence, this article aims to provide the way to reduce risk of infection while giving breast feeding during COVID – 19 situations


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How to Cite

Gavila, W., Lapchiem, P., & Boonyong, W. (2020). Breastfeeding during COVID – 19 era. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(2), 14–28. Retrieved from



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