Effects of  The Multidisciplinary Care Model  Development for Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients


  • Charoonlux Pongcharoen Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi
  • Rosarin Wanjirawilai ChoaprayaYommarraj Hospital, Suphanburi
  • Rungnipa Changthong ChoaprayaYommarraj Hospital, Suphanburi
  • Sameena Suwanprateep ChoaprayaYommarraj Hospital, Suphanburi
  • Umakorn Maneewong ChoaprayaYommarraj Hospital, Suphanburi


Care Model, Multidisciplinary, Hemorrhagic Stroke


This research aimed to develop the Multidisciplinary care model for patients with hemorrhagic stroke and to examine the results of model application. The purposively selected samples comprised of 30 patients with hemorrhagic stroke, and 30 caregivers at Choapraya Yommarraj hospital. Research instruments include 1) The Care Map for  hemorrhagic stroke 2) the Barthel ADL Index assessment 3) the Stroke knowledge test for caregivers, 4) the Patient care activity check list of multidisciplinary team ,and 5)the Satisfaction questionnaire of caregivers. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. Results showed that patients with hemorrhagic stroke in this study had significantly higher mean score of the Barthel ADL after discharge for 30 days than at the time of discharge (p<.01). The average length of stay at hospital was 7.57(SD = 3.16) days. Caregivers’ knowledge about stroke at discharge was significantly higher than at admission(p< .01). Their overall satisfaction towards services was at high level(mean=2.89, SD=.15).


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How to Cite

Pongcharoen, C., Wanjirawilai, R., Changthong, R., Suwanprateep, S., & Maneewong, U. (2020). Effects of  The Multidisciplinary Care Model  Development for Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(2), 91–105. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/242796



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