The Development  of Administration Model  for Supporting Simulation-Based Learning


  • Thanee Glomjai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao
  • Samaiporn Arkal Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao
  • Somsri Thatan วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พะเยา
  • Taksika Chatchawarat วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พะเยา


Administration, Simulation-based learning, critical thinking self - confident


This research and development study was aimed 1) to assess the situation of the administration for supporting simulation-based learning, 2) to develop the administration model for supporting simulation-based learning, and 3) to evaluate the outcome of administration model for supporting simulation-based learning. The research process was divided into four steps. First, to assessthe situation of the administration for supporting simulation-based learning . The information was conducted from 45 nursing instructors by using questionnaire including demographic data, information of simulation-based learning. The content validity was validated by 3 experts, and its IOC was 0.6. – 1.00. The reliabilities with Cronbach Co-efficiency were 0.89 and 0.91 respectively. Data were analyzed by using frequency, mean and standard deviation. Second, the developing of the administration model for supporting simulation-based learning, data were conducted by brainstorming from all stakeholders. Third, the connoisseurship process was used to approve the administration model for supporting simulation-based learning by seven experts. Finally is the process of the outcome evaluation of administration model for supporting simulation-based learning by nursing students and instructors after they completed the theory and practicum section. The 25 nursing lecturers were the key informants of this step; moreover, the researchers also collected data from 99 nursing students who were in the field of using simulation technique. Research tool was a questionnaire consisted of the evaluation of learning with simulation, satisfaction information, critical thinking skills, and the confidence appearance. The IOC of research tool’s content validation was 0.60-1.00, and its reliabilities were 0.91, 0.89, 0.83 and 0.86 with Cronbach Co-efficiency test.  Data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, standard deviation and Independent T-test. Research findings indicated that the situation of the administration for supporting simulation-based learning was at moderate level, and simulation – based learning was at high level. For the PHAYAO SIM Model, the experts indicated that it was a suitable and effective to apply for their simulation-based learning. After implementing the PHAYAO SIM Model, students and lecturers reflected that they were appreciated, and also the student’s critical thinking score and self-confident score were high level. Furthermore, there was a significantly statistical difference of the student’s critical thinking score and self-confident score between students’ and instructors’ perspective (p<.000). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that PHAYAO SIM Model was very effective and efficiency to support learning and teaching by using simulation.



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How to Cite

Glomjai, T., Arkal, S., Thatan, S., & Chatchawarat, T. . (2020). The Development  of Administration Model  for Supporting Simulation-Based Learning. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 149–161. Retrieved from



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