The development of learning activities of Trans-Professional Education (TPE) for dependent older people care
learning activities, Trans-professional Education (TPE), depending elderly peopleAbstract
This research and developmental study aimed to 1) explore needs of caring of dependent older people, 2) develop learning activities of Trans-Professional Education (TPE) for dependent older people care, and 3) evaluate Trans-Professional Education (TPE). The research methodology was consisted of three steps. First step was the study of the situation of 66 dependent elderly people who were evaluated from Baan Tom Health Promotion Hospital. Research tool of this step was the questionnaire about the consequences of depending status, and reliability with Cronbach co-efficiency was 0.84 .The second was the developing of the learning activity with Trans –Professional Education (TPE). For this stage, researcher started from arranging the meeting of inter professions; nurses, lawyers and engineers, then preparing the community for practicum, and developing the learning activity with TPE. The final step was the investigation of the results of learning activity with TPE nursing students from Boromarajchonnani College of Nursing, Phayao, engineering students and law students from University of Phayao. The total number of students was 45 students. The questionnaire was used for data collection with 2 parts; 1) the competency of learning with TPE, and 2) Team building skills. Content validity was validated by the expert with IOC (0.67 - 1) and reliabilities with Cronbach co-efficiency were 0.87 and 0.92. Data analysis was using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent T-test. The depending condition had affected to older people about health problem, family situation, community activities, and health care providing. For learning activity with TPE, the information indicated that the process is suitable and relevant to all components with high level. Moreover, TPE can encourage students to improve their competencies of working with inter-professions. Students also presented the different of mean score of their team building skills with TPE which was greater than before using TPE with obviously significant statistic (P<.01). Furthermore, the qualitative approach data also supported that students dramatically improved their competencies and achieved their goals of learning with inter-professional students. Moreover, the TPE encouraged students created the innovation for dependent older people, and let the students to understand the identity and roles of other disciplines to promote older people’s health.
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