Relationship between Knowledge and Eating Behavior forIodine Deficiency Prevention in Pregnant Women


  • Podjanee Khwanngern Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Kasara Sripichyakan Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Anchalee Laowong MaharajNakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
  • Janchai Singnon Health Promotion Hospital, Medical Service 1, Chiang Mai


Pregnant woman, Knowledge, Iodine eating behavior


Inadequate intake of iodine for the needs of the body during pregnancy results in the fetus developing of the brain and nervous system slower than normal, abortion, and congenital malformation. The purpose of this descriptive research was to explore knowledge and eating behavior for iodine deficiency prevention in pregnant women, and the relationship between knowledge and eating behavior for prevent iodine deficiency in pregnant women, Chiang Mai Province. The samples were 233 normal pregnant women. Data were collected after approval from the Ethics Committee of the faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, and Health Promotion Hospital, Center 1, Chiang Mai Province. This research instrument was a knowledge and eating behavior questionnaire to prevent iodine deficiency, which was modified from the knowledge and behavior questionnaire of Kasara Sripitchayakarnet al. (2009). The questionnaire had been confirmed its quality; Index of item objective congruence (IOC) was 0.67-1.0 and acceptable reliability level of iodine knowledge and eating behavior to prevent iodine insufficiency were .79 and .67respectively. Obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's correlation coefficient.The findings of study found that 78.97 percent of the sample had low iodine knowledge scores and 21.03 percent had a moderate level of knowledge. Regarding eating behavior to prevent iodine deficiency, it was found that 48.93 percent of the sample was at a low level, 46.35 percent at a medium level, and 4.72 percent at high level, respectively.Further, the knowledge scores were positively correlated at a moderate level with the eating behaviors significantly (p<.001, rs = 0.40).The results of this study show that the subjects still have knowledge and eating behavior to prevent iodine deficiency at a low level. Therefore, there should be a campaign for pregnant women to have knowledge about iodine deficiency prevention in order to be a basis for changing appropriate iodine eating behavior.


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How to Cite

Khwanngern, P., Sripichyakan, K., Laowong, A., & Singnon, J. (2020). Relationship between Knowledge and Eating Behavior forIodine Deficiency Prevention in Pregnant Women. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 29–40. retrieved from



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