Predicting intention factors of using marijuana in the treatment process of students Community Health students, School of Medicine, University of Phayao
Intention factors of using marijuana, the treatment process, Marijuana, Students Community Health studentsAbstract
This objective of this descriptive research was to investigate predicting intention factors of using marijuana in the treatment process of Community Health students, School of Medicine, University of Phayao. Population were 768 of the 1-4 year Community Health students. The 264 sample group were calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula and sampling by stratified random sampling. The research tool was questionnaire that was approved by 3 specialists. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistic including frequency, percentage, mean, standard division, and inferential statistics that is multiple linear regression.The results were demonstrated that most sample group was female (90.9 percent), 21 year-old (34.4 percent), Buddhist (93.9 percent), forth year students (33.7 percent), without medical problems (90.2 percent), without drug allergy history (91.3 percent) and without illness family history (85.6 percent) The attitude towards the use of marijuana in the illness treatment and compliance with reference groups on the use of marijuana in the treatment process were at a medium level. The perception of the use of marijuana in the illness treatment and difficulty of use of marijuana in the illness treatment were at high level. The intention of using marijuana in the illness treatment process was at a medium level. Four factors were significant predicted to the intentions of using marijuana in the treatment process of public health students: age, attitude, towards marijuana use, sample group reference and perception of the ability to control behavior, (p-value = 0.05). ( R = 0.597, F = 15.59 ,R2 = 35.64 % ). According to the result, it was found that age, attitude, perceived behavior control and subjective norm can predict the intention to use marijuana as treatment process. So that, the Ministry of Public Health will encourage public health academics to use marijuana as treatment process for the most effective consequence. The public health academics should be properly trained and provided knowledge, positive attitudes both from theories and model people using marijuana for medical purposes resulting in the intention to use marijuana as treatment process to cure illness correctly and appropriately.
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