Caring of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients under Peritoneal Dialysis First Policy:from Policy to Nursing Practice


  • Krittapat Fukfon Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao
  • Daravan Rongmuang Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chantaburi
  • Intira Sukrungraung Buddhasothorn Hospital, Chachoengsao


Peritoneal dialysis, End-stage renal disease, Policy and practice


Chronic kidney disease is a major health problem affecting global health challenges including Thailand.Patients with chronic kidney disease will worsen the disease progression to the end-stage renal disease if they do not get proper care. Finally,they will need renal replacement therapy that impacts burden to patients, family and nation. Nurse is one of the healthcare teams who play an important role in caring for end-stage renal disease patients who receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Providing good care will result in effective treatment, prevent the occurrence of complications and promote patient's quality of life. The purpose of this article is to present the policies related to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, success factors for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and the nursing role in caring for patients who undergo continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.


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How to Cite

Fukfon, K., Rongmuang, D., & Sukrungraung, I. (2020). Caring of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients under Peritoneal Dialysis First Policy:from Policy to Nursing Practice. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 3–15. Retrieved from



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