Predicting Factors for Adolescent Pregnant Depression in Eastern Thailand.


  • Prateep Meethong Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Suphanburi
  • Sirikorn Sutawatnacha Faculty of Nursing , St. Theresa Internationnal Colledge
  • Sumitra Sittirit Faculty of Nursing , St. Theresa Internationnal Colledge
  • Phatcharapha Chaiyasung Faculty of Nursing,Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


depression, pregnant adolescents and predicting factors


This descriptive study was designed to explore and analyze predictive factors for depression in teenage pregnancy. The study sample consisted of 302 pregnant adolescents receiving antenatal care (ANC) at obstetric departments in the provincial hospitals in eastern Thailand. The instrument used in the research was Predicting Factors for Adolescent Pregnant Depression in Eastern questionnaire. The quality checking of the tool for content accuracy by 3 experts, the CVI was 0.90 and the confidence test using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Physical health status was 0.89, social factor was 0.85 and depression was 0.96. Statistical analyses included frequency distribution, percent, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression with stepwise approach.The study result showed that:Teenage pregnant women in the eastern region, the majority of the sample group had no depression, 88.4 percent. The perceived factors of social support correlated with depression,And can predict depression 2.5 percent with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Suggestions research: There should be a qualitative study of factors social support awareness to answer    in-depth questions and explain the phenomena in order to support quantitative data more clearly. There should be activities that encourage the people in the society around teenage pregnant women to accept and be ready to help properly care for pregnant women, adolescents and children in the future.


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How to Cite

Meethong, P., Sutawatnacha, S., Sittirit, S., & Chaiyasung, P. (2020). Predicting Factors for Adolescent Pregnant Depression in Eastern Thailand. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 116–124. retrieved from



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