Health Belief of Children’s Caregivers on Disease Prevention Behaviors in Child Care Center: A Case Study of Child Care Center, Phayao Province


  • Pongpatchara Promphao Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao
  • Pinthong Pinjai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao
  • Surangkana Chirinkom Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao


Health belief, Health behaviors, Childcare workers


This descriptive correlational research aimed at exploring health belief and health behaviors regarding infection prevention and identifying relationship between health belief and health behaviors regarding infection prevention of childcare workers at childcare center. Random sampling was used to recruit 197 childcare workers at childcare center in Phayao province. Research questionnaire composed of three parts; 1) demographic data, 2) health belief: perceived susceptibility, perceived of severity, perceived benefits of taking the health action, perceived barriers to action, perceived self-efficacy, received health information and     3) health behaviors regarding infection prevention in childcare center. Data were conducted between October and December 2018. Descriptive statistic was used to describe data and Pearsons product moment correlation was used to test the relationship between health belief and health behaviors. Research revealed that overall score of health belief was high level (mean=3.13, S.D.=0.18). When considered in the health belief components found that perceived susceptibility was the highest score (mean=3.62); on the other hand, perceived barriers to action was lowest score (mean=1.95).  Their health behaviors were high level (mean=3.74, S.D.=0.28). There was significant relationship between health belief and health behaviors regarding infection prevention of childcare workers (r=.268, p < .001). When considered in the health belief components found that perceived self-efficacy and received health information were significant positive health behaviors regarding infection prevention (r= .452 and .236 respectively, p-value=.01). Research suggests that this data should be informative information for developing health prevention program regarding infection preventionfor childcare workers at childcare center by focusing infectious diseases including continued follow up in order to promote sustainable health behaviors regarding infection prevention. 


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How to Cite

Promphao, P., Pinjai, P., & Chirinkom, S. (2020). Health Belief of Children’s Caregivers on Disease Prevention Behaviors in Child Care Center: A Case Study of Child Care Center, Phayao Province. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 68–79. Retrieved from



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