Relationship between health perception and health care behavior amongDiabetes Mellitus Type 2 people
diabetes mellitus, health perception, health care behaviorAbstract
This research was a correlation study targeting to determine the relationship between health perception and health care behavior among diabetes mellitus people. Subjects were 80 diabetes mellitus persons receiving medical treatment in Surin Hospital.. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire, health perception questionnaire and health perception questionnaire. The Content validity testing was 1, 0.93และ 0.97 by using Index Item Objective Congruence (IOC ).The reliability of questionnaires were0.8, 0.89 by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation were used for data analysis The results indicated that most of sample were female at 63.8%, aged between 61-70 years at 41.2%, educated primary school at 71.2%and work as famer at 37.5%. Most of sample had ≥126 mg/dl of blood sugar at 70%. The finding showed that health perception had high level (mean=3.06, SD=0.32) and health care behavior had moderate level (mean= 2.19, S.D=0.36). It was also found that health perception could correlated to health care behavior at low level (r =.338, P<.01). When considering into each dimension of health perception, it was found that perceived barriers could correlated to health care behavior at moderate level (r=.543, p<.01). However, the perceived susceptibility, perceived severity and perceived benefits could not correlated to health care behavior. The recommendations from this study suggest that nurse should promote health perception of the diabetes mellitus people regard to develop proper changing health behavior intervention program in order to promote the health care behavior of persons with diabetes mellitus.
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