Factors Related to Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy of Mothers after Cesarean Section


  • Preeyanuch Chaikongkiat Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Yala
  • Paseena Bunlap Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Yala
  • Arpaporn Harnnarong Yala Hospital


Breastfeeding self-efficacy, Cesarean section, postpartum depression


This research is aimed to explore breastfeeding self-efficacy and analysis factors related to breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers after cesarean section.The population was the mothers after cesarean section in the postpartum ward at Yala hospital. The sample consisted of 123 people who chose by purposive sampling as 3-day after cesarean section mothers without complications. Research questionnaire composed of three parts: 1) general information2) postnatal depression questionnaire and 3) breastfeeding self-efficacy questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by 3 experts. The IOC index between 0.67 - 1.00 and the reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielding a value of .89. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and using Pearson and Spearman Rank Correlation. Findings revealed that the mothers after cesarean section were in the period of 31-45 years old (39%), gravidabetween 0-1 (40.7%), and had postpartum depression25.2%. The breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers after cesarean sectionwas at a high level (62.6%) with the item that perception of family members helping to facilitate breastfeeding had the highest mean (M = 4.14, SD. = 1.11) and the assess for baby is getting enough milk had the lowest mean (M = 3.42, SD. = 1.28). In addition, three factors such as age, gravida, and postpartum depression score were non-significantly related to breastfeeding self-efficacy (r = .07, p = .23) (r = .12, p = .09) (r = .-.14, p = .12). It explored that the high level of breastfeeding self-efficacy of mothers after cesarean section regardless of age, gravida, and postpartum depression score. Thus, nurse or midwife should provide information and knowledge since in the antenatal care or labor room for self-confidence and proper perception on breastfeeding self-efficacy and helping them until they have successful not only in the hospital but also in home health care.


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How to Cite

Chaikongkiat, P., Bunlap, P., & Harnnarong, A. (2020). Factors Related to Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy of Mothers after Cesarean Section. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 16–28. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/230064



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