The results of Ergonomics Management Program for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder Reduction among the Embroidery Hilltribe Woman Group, Pong District, Phayao Province


  • ณัฐพล - ทนุดี คณะเเพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา


Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Embroidery


Embroidery work is the neat work that the embroider will be in the postures of the slouch and bend down the head. This involves the related factors leading to the musculoskeletal disorder around various parts of the body such as neck, and shoulder among the others. This comparative study aims to compare the result of the Ergonomics management program for the work-related musculoskeletal disorder reduction among the embroidery hilltribe woman group. The study was conducted through the semi-experimental approach with the number of the sample of 33. The pre and post tests were carried out within the group. The data collection was run through the interview while the data analysis was made via the descriptive statistics and the t-Test. It is revealed that after the program operation, the average score of the knowledge of the studied sample increases with the better quality of life including the reduced risk of the reduction of the musculoskeletal disorder around various parts of the body at the statistically significant level of P<0.05. In conclusion, the activities operated based on the program can help reduce the musculoskeletal disorder from working of the embroidery hilltribe woman group, Pong District, Phayao province.  


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How to Cite

ทนุดี ณ. .-. (2018). The results of Ergonomics Management Program for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder Reduction among the Embroidery Hilltribe Woman Group, Pong District, Phayao Province. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 19(2), 133–143. Retrieved from