Khon Kaen University Dental Journal (Khon Kaen Dent J), so called KDJ, is an official, peer-reviewed publication of Khon Kaen University Faculty of Dentistry. It is published since 1998, with our main goal to increasingly disseminate the advanced knowledge and technologies related to the field of dentistry in the northeastern region of Thailand. Consistent with our mission to deliberately deliver the scientific novelty towards regional dental professionals, we have successfully published more than 350 original articles including reviews under our KDJ editorial team. Remarkably, we have nowadays gained attention at the national level as we are currently indexed in Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI).
Scope of the Journal Khon Kaen Dent J aims at fostering the knowledge advancement of clinical dentistry, as well as basic dental sciences e.g. dental biomaterial sciences, oral biology and immunology in order to uplift the insights toward patient care. Of note, We presently accept a wide range of original research articles, case reports, review articles, and short communications under the double-blinded standard with a consistent publication quality.
Journal Abbreviation: Khon Kaen Dent J
Start year: 1998
Language: Thai, English
Publication fee: Free of charge
Issues per year: 3 issues (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec)
ISSN: 2730-1699 (Online)