Factors Associated with The Revision of Alveolar Bone Grafting Using Iliac Crest Bone Grafts in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate

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Supon Kamkaew
Wilawan Weraarchakul
Pipop Sutthiprapaporn
Siripong Sittisomwong


Alveolar bone grafting with iliac crest bone grafts is a common corrective procedure for maxillary abnormalities in patients with cleft lip and palate. Despite its widespread use, the need for surgical revisions persists. This retrospective case-control study analyzed data from the past 12 years (2010-2021), including 30 cases requiring revision and 30 controls without such need. We examined the influence of gender, presence of oronasal fistulas, and alveolar cleft characteristics-specifically, the type and size of the cleft. Measurements were taken at three anatomic levels: cervical, middle, and apex of the tooth root, using intraoral radiographs. Results from multiple logistic regression analysis, controlling for confounding variables, showed statistically significant associations (p<0.05) with the need for revision. Notably, females were 4.82 times more likely than males to require revision (95% CI: 1.06–21.85), and the presence of an oronasal fistula increased the likelihood of repeat surgery by 8.14 times (95% CI: 1.86-35.59). Furthermore, each millimeter increase in the size of the alveolar cleft at the root apex was associated with a 1.62 times higher chance of requiring additional surgery (95% CI: 1.14-2.32). These findings underscore the importance of meticulous patient preparation and targeted surgical planning to address oronasal fistulas and cleft size, necessitating close collaboration among surgeons and orthodontists to reduce the frequency of revisions and improve post-operative outcomes.

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Kamkaew S, Weraarchakul W, Sutthiprapaporn P, Sittisomwong S. Factors Associated with The Revision of Alveolar Bone Grafting Using Iliac Crest Bone Grafts in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2024 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(3):20-34. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/270362
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