Boundary of Mylohyoid Nerve Block: A Clinical Trial study

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Dheeratt Chengprapakorn
Kittisak Kanyapan
Nitipat Ruangtananurak
Mathurada Phonphalert
Rajda Chaijit
Saowaluck Limmonthol


Mylohyoid nerve block is a useful injection technique, especially for the operation at the posterior mandible. However, the exact boundary of anesthesia has not been reported. The objective of this study is to study the anesthetized area of the teeth and soft tissues after mylohyoid nerve block injection. Thirty volunteers received mylohyoid nerve block which the side of the injection was retrieved by a simple random sampling method. Thereafter, the pulpal anesthesia of the mandibular teeth was determined with Electric Pulp Tester (EPT) along with the numbness testing of the gingival sulcus, alveolar mucosa, middle area of the floor of mouth, buccal mucosa and tongue by using a Florida probe and asking the volunteers about the numbness in the area of lower lip and chin. The measurements were repeatedly at 5, 10, 15 minutes. The results revealed that complete pulpal anesthesia of the mandibular second molar was 20%, mandibular first molar and mandibular second premolar were equally 3.33%. In addition, the incidence of complete numbness of soft tissue (the area in which the volunteers were 100% completely anesthetized) was the lingual gingival sulcus of mandibular first molar, lingual alveolar mucosa from mandibular second premolar to second molar and tongue respectively. Secondly, the area where complete anesthesia was greater than or equal to 80% but less than 100% consisted of the lingual gingival sulcus of the mandibular second molar, lingual alveolar mucosa from the mandibular first premolar and floor of mouth. The incidence of lower lip and chin numbness has not been found. In conclusion, the mylohyoid nerve block technique has completely anesthetized the area of the mandibular second molar mostly, followed by the mandibular first molar and mandibular second premolar respectively and caused complete numbness (100%) at the lingual gingival sulcus of the mandibular first molar, lingual alveolar mucosa from the mandibular second premolar to second molar and tongue. Furthermore, extra-oral tissue numbness has not been detected.

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How to Cite
Chengprapakorn D, Kanyapan K, Ruangtananurak N, Phonphalert M, Chaijit R, Limmonthol S. Boundary of Mylohyoid Nerve Block: A Clinical Trial study. Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];27(3):117-26. Available from:
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