The Penetrating Ability of Elastomeric Impression Materials in Simulated Model with Different Sulcular Widths
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Vinylpolyethersiloxane (VPES) has been developed by combining features of polyether (PE) and polyvinylsiloxane (PVS). Therefore, the study regarding to penetrating ability of this new material in clinically simulated model is scarcely. The purpose of this laboratory study was to evaluate and compare the penetrating ability of VPES, Soft PE, Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic PVS in three different sulcular widths. One hundred forty-four impressions were made from simulated model of sulcular width 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 mm with four elastomeric impression materials using double-mixed single impression technique. Each impression was sectioned longitudinally then determined the penetrating depth of each specimen by measuring microscope starting from finish line. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA. There was a statistically significant interaction between the effects of sulcus widths and material types on penetrating ability. VPES and soft PE groups had been shown statistically significant greater penetration than that of PVS groups. While there were no differences between VPES group and soft PE group when sulcus wide 0.4 and 0.2 mm. However, at sulcular width 0.1 mm, VPES was significantly higher penetrating depth than other materials. In conclusions, the penetrating ability of impression materials in wide sulcus was greater than narrow sulcus. VPES had been revealed superior sulcus reproduction in all sulcular widths.
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