The Hand Hygiene-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Reported Practice of Postgraduate Dental Students in Chulalongkorn University

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Krittika Koolkaew
Pagaporn Pantuwadee Pisarnturakit
Keskanya Subbalekha


Hand hygiene (HH) is one of the fundamental requirements for infection control in health care, including dental treatments. Several studies have found that HH compliance among healthcare workers, including dentists and dental students, is low. However, there is no report regarding HH knowledge, attitudes, and practice of dentists when performing oral surgery. Since oral surgery is one of the sensitive procedures that needs good control of microbial contamination, a good discipline of HH should be emphasized during professional development. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare HH knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practice between postgraduate dental students (PG) taking a surgical-based (S-PG) and those taking a non-surgical-based clinical practice curriculum (NS-PG). Data collection was performed by distributing the self-administered questionnaire on HH-related knowledge, attitudes, and practice to all PGs of the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, during March and September 2019. The 176 PGs who returned the questionnaire comprised 68 S-PGs and 108 NS-PGs. A significantly higher number of S-PGs (83.8%) claimed to know the 6 steps of HH (2009 WHO guidelines) than the NS-PGs (63.8%, p=0.007); however, both groups had limited HH knowledge, with an average HH knowledge score ±SD of 7.4±1.5 and 7.8±1.7, respectively (p=0.151). Although all of the PGs had positive attitudes toward HH, S-PGs and NS-PGs had different attitudes, and only one-third of them reported appropriate HH practice. In conclusion, surgical-based clinical training is associated with HH-related attitudes but not with knowledge and self-reported practice. Our findings suggest the need of a strategy to improve HH-related knowledge in all postgraduate dental students in order to achieve sustainable good HH practice.

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Koolkaew K, Pisarnturakit P, Subbalekha K. The Hand Hygiene-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Reported Practice of Postgraduate Dental Students in Chulalongkorn University. Khon Kaen Dent J [Internet]. 2023 May 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];26(2):75-86. Available from:
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