Efficacy of Three Irrigation Protocols for Removing Three Types of Calcium Hydroxide from Root Canals
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The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of XP-endo finisher, passive ultrasonic irrigation and conventional syringe and needle irrigation for removing three types of calcium hydroxide (CH) from root canals. Ninety human mandibular premolar teeth with single root canals were used in this study. All teeth were decoronated and root canal enlarged using PT Next rotary instruments. The roots were split longitudinally, and the root halves were reassembled with sticky wax. The specimens were randomly divided into three groups according to type of CH medication (n=30): CH powder mixed with distilled water, UltraCal™XS and Vitapex®. After seven days, the roots were divided into three subgroups (n=10) according to the irrigating techniques : XP-endo finisher, passive ultrasonic irrigation and conventional syringe and needle irrigation. The root halves were detached. The photographs of root canals were taken under light stereomicroscope at 20x magnification. The percentage of calcium hydroxide coated the total surface area in relation to the surface area was calculated. The data was analyzed with two-way ANOVA and a post-hoc Scheffe test. Results showed that different irrigation protocols and CH types have affected to the residual CH in root canal. The percent area of residual CH of CH powder mixed with distilled water group and UltraCal™XS group had no statistically significant difference in XP-endo finisher and passive ultrasonic irrigation group, but significantly less than conventional needle irrigation group. In contrast, the Vitapex® group showed significantly less residual when irrigated passive ultrasonic irrigation. Under the condition of this study, the conclusion is that different irrigation protocols and CH types have affected to the residual CH in root canal. XP-endo finisher and passive ultrasonic irrigation were more effective in the removal of CH than conventional needle irrigation. The oil-based CH paste exhibited the most difficult to remove from root canals.
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